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Pisownia fonetyczna crystallized


Wartości crystallized

It is a verbal term that means cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form.

Synonimy dla crystallized

Antonimy do crystallized

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Przykłady w zdaniu

A solution of zinc chloride is easily produced from the metal and hydrochloric acid; it cannot be evaporated to dryness without considerable decomposition of the hydrated salt into oxychloride and hydrochloric acid, but it may be crystallized as ZnC1 2 H 2 O.
In order to make spongy or porous rubber, some material is incorporated which will give off gas or vapour at the vulcanizing temperature, - such as carbonate of ammonia, crystallized alum, and finely ground damp sawdust.
ALUM, in chemistry, a term given to the crystallized double sulphates of the typical formula M 2 SO 4 � MP' �(S04) 324H20, where M.
These acids may be separated by conversion into their potassium salts, which are then fractionally crystallized, the potassium salt of the para-acid separating first.
Aluminium oxide or alumina, Al 2 0 3, occurs in nature as the mineral corundum, notable for its hardness and abrasive power (see Emery), and in well-crystallized forms it constitutes, when coloured by various metallic oxides, the gem-stones, sapphire, oriental topaz, oriental amethyst and oriental e

Tłumaczenia crystallized

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tu-hree-suh rite
tuh-ree-suh rite
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