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Pisownia fonetyczna Orwell


Wartości Orwell

He is an English novelist and an essayist and his popular work is Animal Farm,

Treść Wiki dla Orwell

Orwell's list - In 1949, shortly before he died, the English author George Orwell prepared a list of notable writers and other persons he considered to be unsuitable as possible writers for the anti-communis
Orwell Prize - The Orwell Prize, based at University College London, is a British prize for political writing. The Prize is awarded by The Orwell Foundation, an independent charity (Registered Charity No 11
Orwell Bridge - The Orwell Bridge is a concrete box girder bridge just south of Ipswich in Suffolk, England. Opened to road traffic in 1982, the bridge carries the A14 road (formerly the A45 road) over the
Orwell (video game) - Orwell is a series of episodic simulation video games by German indie developer Osmotic Studios in which the player assumes the role of a state operative and monitors surveillance sources to
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