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Ramses II

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Skończyłeś nagrywanie?  

Dziękujemy za pomoc   Gratulacje! Masz wymowa Ramses II prawo. Nie pozostają w tyle. Ups! Wygląda na to, że wymowa Ramses II-to nie w porządku. Możesz spróbować ponownie.
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Treść Wiki dla Ramses II

Ramesses II - Ramesses II (variously also spelt Rameses or Ramses (Ancient Egyptian: rꜥ-ms-sw "Ra is the one who bore him" > Koinē Greek: Ῥαμέσσης, romanized: Rhaméssēs); c.
Ramesses III - Usermaatre Ramesses III (also written Ramses and Rameses) was the second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt.
Ramses II tank - The Ramses II tank is a heavily modernized T-55 main battle tank designed for and used by the Egyptian Armed Forces.
Ramesses VI - Ramesses VI Nebmaatre-Meryamun (sometimes written Ramses or Rameses, also known under his princely name of Amenherkhepshef C) was the fifth pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt.
Ramesses I - Menpehtyre Ramesses I (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 19th dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the time-line of late 1292–1290 BC is fr
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Przykłady w zdaniu

Dear Hollywood, Please Stop Character Assassinating Ramses II
Słuchać Dear Hollywood, Please Stop Character Assassinating Ramses II  wymowy
28 Oceny ocena Oceny
Restoration begins of more King Ramses II statues at Luxor Temple
Słuchać Restoration begins of more King Ramses II statues at Luxor Temple wymowy
26 Oceny ocena Oceny
Motac plans to exhibit Ramses II and King Tut artefacts in 2020
Słuchać Motac plans to exhibit Ramses II and King Tut artefacts in 2020 wymowy
24 Oceny ocena Oceny
Who was Ramses II?
Słuchać Who was Ramses II? wymowy
22 Oceny ocena Oceny
New temple palace discovered at Ramses II's temple in Upper Egypt's Sohag
Słuchać New temple palace discovered at Ramses II's temple in Upper Egypt's Sohag wymowy
20 Oceny ocena Oceny
{{phrase.phrase }}
Słuchać :word wymowy {{phrase.phrase}}
{{phrase.vote_count}} Oceny ocena ocena Oceny
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Tłumaczenia Ramses II

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Popularne wiadomości na Ramses II

Egypt- Ramses II's palace discovered near his temple in Sohag
Słuchać Egypt- Ramses II's palace discovered near his temple in Sohag wymowy
The ministry of antiquities announced the discovery of an ancient palace belongs to Ramses II, which was attached to his temple in Abydos, Sohag. The discovery was made by researchers from t..Wyświetl artykuł
Front and Center: Ramses II Sphinx pulled from the Memphis mud in 1912, sported a GoPro for the June 12 big move at Penn Museum
Słuchać Front and Center: Ramses II Sphinx pulled from the Memphis mud in 1912, sported a GoPro for the June 12 big move at Penn Museum wymowy
There is something truly marvelous in the various accounts and anecdotes regarding this composite-icon with its lion-shaped body set in a pacific posture topped with a presumed “head” of Ram..Wyświetl artykuł
Main Line Main Line
Massive Sphinx of Ramses II Sees Daylight for First Time in Nearly 100 Years
Słuchać Massive Sphinx of Ramses II Sees Daylight for First Time in Nearly 100 Years wymowy
An enormous stone sphinx representing the pharaoh Ramses II has spent nearly a century in the Egypt Gallery of the Penn Museum in Philadelphia. But today (June 12) the sphinx was relocated i..Wyświetl artykuł
Live Science Live Science
Newly restored Ramses II colossus placed in correct location at Luxor Temple: Egyptologist
Słuchać Newly restored Ramses II colossus placed in correct location at Luxor Temple: Egyptologist wymowy
The newly restored colossus of King Ramses II at Luxor Temple has been placed in its original location according to the original layout of the Temple American Egyptologist Ray Johnson, a spe..Wyświetl artykuł
image-unavailable Ahram Online
New temple palace discovered at Ramses II's temple in Upper Egypt's Sohag
Słuchać New temple palace discovered at Ramses II's temple in Upper Egypt's Sohag wymowy
Excavation work carried out in Ramses II’s temple in Abydos, Sohag, has uncovered a new temple palace belonging to the 19th Dynasty king. The discovery was made by the New York University mi..Wyświetl artykuł
image-unavailable Ahram Online
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
image-unavailable image-unavailable
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{{comment[0].pname }} {{comment[0].pname }} {{comment[0].pname}}
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Ramses II wartości wymowy, synonimy, antonimy, tłumaczenia, zdania i więcej

Jaka jest poprawna wymowa imienia Dipa Karmakar?

di-puh kuhr-muh-kaar
de-paah kar-ma-kaar
dei-pah kaer-maha-ka ur
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