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IPA i fonetyczną pisownię
IPA : eskjʊˈleɪpɪəs
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Dziękujemy za pomoc   Gratulacje! Masz wymowa Aesculapius prawo. Nie pozostają w tyle. Ups! Wygląda na to, że wymowa Aesculapius-to nie w porządku. Możesz spróbować ponownie.
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    Przykłady w zdaniu

    Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik: half-capital on the loggia depicting Aesculapius in the setting of a pharmacy
    Słuchać Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik: half-capital on the loggia depicting Aesculapius in the setting of a pharmacy wymowy
    0 ocena ocena Oceny
    Temple of Aesculapius, Diocletian's Palace, Split (formerly Spalatro): details of the door and soffit
    Słuchać Temple of Aesculapius, Diocletian's Palace, Split (formerly Spalatro): details of the door and soffit wymowy
    0 ocena ocena Oceny
    There is an obvious development from the serpent qua reptile to the deity or the devil, and that the original theriomorphic form is not at once forgotten can be seen in Zeus Meilichios, Aesculapius Amynos, in the Cretan snake-goddesses, or in the Buddhist topes illustrated by Fergusson.
    0 ocena ocena Oceny
    Having circulated a prophecy that the son of Apollo was to be born again, he contrived that there should be found in the foundations of the temple to Aesculapius, then in course of construction at Abonouteichos, an egg in which a small live snake had been placed.
    0 ocena ocena Oceny
    Persons who had recovered from an illness offered anathemata in the temples of Asclepius (Aesculapius); those who had escaped from shipwreck offered their clothes, or, if these had been lost, a lock of hair, to Neptune (Hor.
    0 ocena ocena Oceny
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Słuchać :word wymowy {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} Oceny ocena ocena Oceny
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    Popularne wiadomości na Aesculapius

    Aesculapius Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
    Słuchać Aesculapius Remedies Pvt. Ltd. wymowy
    Disclaimer - All information and content on this site are for information and educational purposes only. The information should not be used for either diagnosis or treatment or both for any..Wyświetl artykuł
    image-unavailable Medindia
    Temple of Aesculapius, Diocletian's Palace, Split (formerly Spalatro): details of the door and soffit
    Słuchać Temple of Aesculapius, Diocletian's Palace, Split (formerly Spalatro): details of the door and soffit wymowy
    Coronavirus update: Our printing service continues to operate as usual, with framed and unframed prints available for delivery in normal timescales. We would like to reassure our customers t..Wyświetl artykuł
    image-unavailable RIBA
    Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik: half-capital on the loggia depicting Aesculapius in the setting of a pharmacy
    Słuchać Rector's Palace, Dubrovnik: half-capital on the loggia depicting Aesculapius in the setting of a pharmacy wymowy
    Coronavirus update: Our printing service continues to operate as usual, with framed and unframed prints available for delivery in normal timescales. We would like to reassure our customers t..Wyświetl artykuł
    image-unavailable RIBA

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