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24 Oceny ocena Oceny
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0 ocena ocena Oceny
Słuchać capo wymowy {{key + 1}}
{{voice.vote_count }} Oceny ocena ocena Oceny
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Dziękujemy za pomoc   Gratulacje! Masz wymowa capo prawo. Nie pozostają w tyle. Ups! Wygląda na to, że wymowa capo-to nie w porządku. Możesz spróbować ponownie.
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Możesz dodać tę wymowę dźwiękową capo do słownika HowToPronounce.

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Skończyłeś nagrywanie?  

Dziękujemy za pomoc   Gratulacje! Masz wymowa capo prawo. Nie pozostają w tyle. Ups! Wygląda na to, że wymowa capo-to nie w porządku. Możesz spróbować ponownie.
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Twój dźwięk
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the head of a branch of an organized crime syndicate
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Kolekcje na capo

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Treść Wiki dla capo

Przykłady w zdaniu

To the south of Terranova there is no harbour of any importance on the east coast (the Gulf of Orosei being exposed to the E., and shut in by a precipitous coast) until Tortoli is reached, and beyond that to the Capo Carbonara at the south-east extremity, and again along the south coast, there is no
40 Oceny ocena Oceny
The northern extremity of the Nurra, the Capo del Falcone, is continued to .the N.N.E.
37 Oceny ocena Oceny
Turris Libisonis was also connected with Othoca by a road along the west coast, passing through Tharros, Cornus and Bosa; this road went on to Tibula 2 (Capo della Testa) at the north extremity of the island and so by the coast to Olbia.
34 Oceny ocena Oceny
Such a note was sent, for instance, by the plenipotentiaries of the allied powers at the conference of Poros, on the 8th of December 1828, to Capo d'Istria, the Greek president, to instruct him confidentially as to the results of their deliberations.
28 Oceny ocena Oceny
Capo Unified students shine at Merry Monarch show in Dana Point
23 Oceny ocena Oceny
{{phrase.phrase }}
Słuchać :word wymowy {{phrase.phrase}}
{{phrase.vote_count}} Oceny ocena ocena Oceny
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Tłumaczenia capo

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Popularne wiadomości na capo

World’s Fastest Female Talker Fran Capo
Fran Capo earned those records for being the world’s fastest talking woman. She’s also a speaker at the TEDx Hilton Head event that’s happening this Saturday. Capo stopped by Morning Break t..Wyświetl artykuł
D.C.4: Da Capo 4 PS4 and Switch demo now available in Japan
Entergram has released a demo for D.C.4: Da Capo 4 for PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store and Switch via the Nintendo eShop in Japan. Those who live on the island of Kagamijima are used..Wyświetl artykuł
Gematsu Gematsu
Gambino capo, 10 cohorts picked up on federal racketeering conspiracy, loansharking, bribery charges
A Gambino family capo was busted Thursday with a one-time favorite of late mob legend John Gotti and nine other gangsters in a wide-ranging federal mob crackdown in the Bronx and Westchester..Wyświetl artykuł
New York Daily News New York Daily News
Cheetah Capo donates to Central RAG and Ali Babies
The Founder and bankroller of Cheetah FC who spearhead the affairs as the president of the Ghana body Building federation Mr Abdul Hayye Yartey has donated sets of jerseys and equipment to t..Wyświetl artykuł
Ghanaweb.com Ghanaweb.com
Dressing ‘The Irishman’: Polyester Pantsuits and Capo Collars
But for men like Skinny Razor (Bobby Cannavale), a mentor to fledgling mobsters, the designers allowed themselves to dial it up a notch, modifying long, spear-point shirt collars they referr..Wyświetl artykuł
New York Times New York Times
Słuchać :word wymowy {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
image-unavailable image-unavailable
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{{comment[0].pname }} {{comment[0].pname }} {{comment[0].pname}}
{{reply.cname }} {{reply.cname }} {{reply.cname }}

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