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Nauczyć się wymawiać Hanna


Słuchać Hanna wymowy
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3 /5
(31 głosy)
  • Bardzo łatwe
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  • Umiarkowany
  • Trudny
  • Bardzo trudne
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Pisownia fonetyczna Hanna


Wartości Hanna

It is a Hebrew feminine name.
Dowiedz się więcej o tym słowie "Hanna" , jego pochodzenie, alternatywne formy i użycie z Wikisłownika.

Treść Wiki dla Hanna

Przykłady w zdaniu

Government of the Bahamas isssues warning over Hurricane Hanna
Słuchać Government of the Bahamas isssues warning over Hurricane Hanna wymowy
Noteworthy additions were made to Cleveland architecture in the county court house and the city hall (of the uncompleted Group plan); in office buildings like the Engineers, the Illuminating, the Leader-News, and the Hanna buildings; in the Plain Dealer newspaper building; in the Cleveland T
Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 6 will mark the explosive entry of 'A' in Rosewood while Hanna continues to face identity crisis after Alison's return to Rosewood High
Northeastern grad Hanna Terry makes pro soccer debut
Miley Cyrus and Kathleen Hanna Really Aren't That Different

Tłumaczenia Hanna

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